In a number of scriptural passages, Pharaoh is compared to LEVIATHAN (Isaiah 27:1, Job 41:1), the GREAT DRAGON THAT LIETH IN THE MIDST OF THE RIVERS (Ezekiel 29:3), or "whale in the seas" whose feet troubles the waters and fouledst the rivers (e.g., a metaphor reflecting the philosophies of men that Pharaoh causes to come forth and corrupt the waters of truth that issue from the mouth of God).
In my opinion, the great sea monster leviathan is tantamount to the Nile Crocodile (see video at who--
1) is more subtle than any beast of the field (see Moses 4:5);
2) is patient and determined;
3) uses its powerful tail to spring an attack (i.e., a metaphor for "the prophet who teacheth lies" (see Isaiah 9:15) and that "drew the third-part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth" (see JST Revelation 12:4); and
4) drags its unsuspecting prey into a watery grave (i.e., a scriptural symbol for hell).
When men call good evil and evil good, we often think that few will accept their nonsense. But Abraham Facsimile No. 1 is a good reminder that the devil was able to convince an entire race of people that hell beneath was heaven above. Today's Egyptian is the citizen of the United States who believes--
- that granting homosexuals their right to marry is superior to forming a society centered on family values;
- that granting women the right to choose is superior to preserving the life of an unborn child; and
- that granting men the right to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana is superior to creating safe environments in which to live and streets on which to drive.
"Preserving freedom at any cost" is the STANDARD we have lifted in the United States of America; even precious blood has been spilled to preserve this ideal. Tragically, because our STANDARD lacks its necessary companion called RESPONSIBILITY, we have stopped measuring the cost. How incredibly descriptive Isaiah was of the American intellect when he wrote:
20 Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Wo unto the wise in their own eyes and prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah, thereafter, penned the penalty that will come upon such:23 Who justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
24 Therefore, as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, their root shall be rottenness, and their blossoms shall go up as dust; because they have cast away the law of the Lord of Hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 Therefore, is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them; and the hills did tremble, and their carcasses were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. (2 Nephi 15; compare Isaiah 5).
It is good to note that the "stretched out hand" is not the hand of loving affection; it is the hand of the Lord, whose anger is NOT turned away. It is the arm stretched out wielding the sword of justice (see Helaman 13:5-14; compare Ezekiel 32:10-11).
We may think that the highest standard that one can achieve is freedom, void of responsibility. But not everyone in the universe agrees with our thinking. In the end, there is only One in the universe whose opinion matters; and it isn't you or me.
Does it take the sun to be darkened before we get the message that it is time to repent?