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"In relation to the kingdom of God, the devil always sets up his kingdom at the very same time in opposition to God" (Joseph Smith, Teachings, 365). |
Before proceeding, the reader is encouraged to review, in the order shown below, previous blogs concerning this same topic:
That Spirit of Antichrist
When it comes to placing a preposition before "christ", the word "anti" has an illusive meaning. According to the 1828 Webster's American Dictionary, it is a preposition "signifying against, opposite, contrary, or in place of." From this definition, two types of antichrists are possible.
First, as demonstrated by characters such as Nehor, Korihor, Zeezrom, and Sherem, antichrist is teaching against, opposite, or contrary to Christ. The apostle John described this antichrist as a deceiver "who confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" (2 John 1:7). He provided an addition insight concerning this spirit of antichrist to those who received his writings. In 1 John 2:22, he posed an instructive question, "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?" John subsequently described the liar as one who hates his brother:
First, as demonstrated by characters such as Nehor, Korihor, Zeezrom, and Sherem, antichrist is teaching against, opposite, or contrary to Christ. The apostle John described this antichrist as a deceiver "who confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" (2 John 1:7). He provided an addition insight concerning this spirit of antichrist to those who received his writings. In 1 John 2:22, he posed an instructive question, "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?" John subsequently described the liar as one who hates his brother:
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? (1 John 4:20).
Where hatred exists, antichrist reigns.
Unlike this first type, the second antichrist comes declaring that he is Christ. This devil is, far and away, the most treacherous. If one comes forward saying there is no Christ, believers may easily turn a deaf ear to his ravings and continue with their lives unhindered. Such antichrists are found littered on the sidewalks near Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah, jeering and ridiculing Saints who attend General Conference or engage in temple worship. But, as noted by the prophet Joseph Smith, "when a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. False prophets", he continued, "always arise to oppose the true prophets and they will prophesy so very near the truth that they will deceive almost the very chosen ones" (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 365). Hence, if the spirit of antichrist is to prevail among believers, this is the flavor to which they are most apt to succumb.
In his second letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul warned that the day of the Lord's coming would be preceded by wide-spread apostasy. As explained by early Church historians, ". . . another and different religion was to be substituted for the Christian religion: that another church, one founded by men, was to take the place of the Church of Christ, a worldly church dominated by the very spirit of Lucifer . . ." (History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1:42). More specifically, apostle Paul described that, within this worldly church, the man of sin would be revealed, noting that he would "oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
In his second letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul warned that the day of the Lord's coming would be preceded by wide-spread apostasy. As explained by early Church historians, ". . . another and different religion was to be substituted for the Christian religion: that another church, one founded by men, was to take the place of the Church of Christ, a worldly church dominated by the very spirit of Lucifer . . ." (History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1:42). More specifically, apostle Paul described that, within this worldly church, the man of sin would be revealed, noting that he would "oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
Again, it is easy for the world to hyperventilate looking for some insidious person who fits the foregoing description. However, the world need only look in the mirror to find him, for the apostle taught that this antichrist would "sit in the temple of God." In context with Paul's other letters and latter-day revelation, "the elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples" (D&C 93:35; compare 1 Corinthians 3:16). Accordingly, just as God walks in holy temples (see 2 Corinthians 6:16) and "dwelleth . . . in the hearts of the righteous" (see Alma 34:36) by virtue of the Holy Spirit (see Alma 34:35; compare D&C 130:3 and D&C 130:22), Satan likewise dwells in the hearts of the children of men (see Mosiah 3:6). God's temple is the place from where Satan reigns in the last days (see 2 Nephi 28:20). Confirming this conclusion to the prophet, Joseph Smith, in his commentary on the parable of the wheat and the tares, the Lord explained:
Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you my servants, concerning the parable of the wheat and of the tares:
Behold, verily I say, the field was the world, and the apostles were the sowers of the seed;
And after they have fallen asleep the great persecutor of the church, the apostate, the whore, even Babylon, that maketh all nations to drink of her cup, in whose hearts the enemy, even Satan, sitteth to reign—behold he soweth the tares; wherefore, the tares choke the wheat and drive the church into the wilderness (D&C 86:1-3).
Thus, even though the individual identity named Lucifer is, in fact, "the man of sin" referred to by Paul,[1] each of us have a "man of sin" that embraces this spirit of antichrist. Unless this "man of sin" is put away, we become the temple from whom the son of perdition reigns. In a discourse given to the Church on October 8, 1876, President Brigham Young taught:
We find a pure spirit inhabiting the tabernacle of the creature which is always prompting the individual to good, to virtue, to truth and holiness; all of which emanate from that source of purity from which this spirit came. And here the evil that came through transgression that is in this tabernacle, is warring with this pure spirit, it seeks to overcome it, and is striving with all its power to bring this spirit into subjection, into bondage to the law of sin. This is the warfare which Paul refers to when speaking of the “thorn in the flesh,” which is no more or less than the spirit contending against the flesh, and the flesh against the spirit. This pure spirit will remain in a condition to receive the operations of the spirit of God, which has gone forth into the world, and which lightens every man that comes into the world, regardless of his condition, birth or education; the spirit of Christ lightens them all, and instructs their pure spirits, which are organizations in the germ and in their growth, to become independent beings, even sons and daughters of the Almighty; and it will continue to thus operate until this body, this sinful tabernacle, has warred against the spirit and overcome it to such a degree as to entirely subject it to the man of sin.
And when the flesh attains this victory over the spirit, then is the time spoken of when man has sinned to that degree that, says the Apostle, “ye shall not pray for them, for they have sinned a sin unto death.” Then the spirit of the Lord ceases to strive with them, they no longer receive light, having passed the day of grace (President Brigham Young, Philosophy of Man Upon The Earth, delivered at the Semi-Annual General Conference, Salt Lake City).
Importantly, President Harold B. Lee taught that "baptism by immersion symbolizes the death and burial of the man of sin; and the coming forth out of the water, the resurrection to a newness of spiritual life" (Lee, Harold B., Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Chapter 4: The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel).
Hence, as I proceed to develop Solomon as the beast possessing the number "Six hundred threescore and six", it is worthy to note that, in the last days, Solomon comes disguised as the nations of the world. Satan can lift no sword, shed no blood, speak no evil, and cause no strife unless there exists among men the arm, sword, mouth, and heart that is willing to serve him (see D&C 45:55).
To be continued . . .
[1] The man of sin has been revealed in various ways and times throughout history. In the early latter-day Church, the prophet Joseph Smith recorded the following event:
On the 3rd of June, the Elders from the various parts of the country where they were laboring, came in; and the conference before appointed, convened in Kirtland; and the Lord displayed His power to the most perfect satisfaction of the Saints. The man of sin was revealed, and the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood was manifested and conferred for the first time upon several of the Elders.
The manner in which the man of sin was revealed and the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood manifested, is related by John Whitmer, in his History of the Church. After giving the names of those who were ordained High Priests the day on which the two powers were manifested, he says:
Joseph Smith, Jun., prophesied the day previous that the man of sin would be revealed. While the Lord poured out His Spirit upon His servants, the devil took a notion to make known his power. He bound Harvey Whitlock and John Murdock so that they could not speak, and others were affected but the Lord showed to Joseph, the seer, the design of the thing; he commanded the devil in the name of Christ, and he departed, to our joy and comfort (see History of the Church, Volume 1, Chapter 15, Footnote 2).