Disclaimer: These presentations are a private endeavor and represent the opinions and conclusions of the author from the evidence cited. This is not an official publication of either The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Brigham Young University-Idaho. It is neither a declaration nor an interpretation of Church doctrine, which concern is solely the province of the First Presidency.
These presentations were delivered July 28 - 30, 2016 in connection with BYU-Idaho's Education Week. Each of these three videos is 60 minutes in length and MUST be viewed in the order shown below in order to understand the development of later topics. These videos review the blessings given to the descendants of Joseph, the curses placed upon them for being one of the few groups that destroyed Zion as forming it, and the mercies of the LORD extended to them in the latter-days. Throughout, scriptural symbols are developed as well as scriptural relationships depicted between the LORD and God's children. Particular attention is spent on developing the relationships of SERVANT, BRIDE, and CHILD.
WARNING: In the spirit of full disclosure, the viewer of these videos is hereby advised that I do not implement the latest presentation approaches to maintain the attention of my audience. I teach doctrine straight, undiluted, and with little emotion and facial expression. For this, I apologize, but it's who I am. I hope you can look beyond my clumsy delivery and focus on the more important aspect of the presentations--the message.
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