
Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits

Tonight (3/23/16) is the Feast of Passover. What a beautiful moon rests in the sky! Tonight, the moon was positioned precisely opposite the sun; as the sun was setting, the moon was rising. In the morning, as the sun rises, the moon will set. Thus, tonight, the moon is a perfect reflection of the sun.

The moon is the lesser light that shines in darkness. It is symbolic of Jesus Christ. The sun is the greater light that rules the day. It is symbolic of God, the Father. The Passover is a Sabbath that celebrates Gethsemane; the night that the destroying angel passed over us and Jesus Christ became our Passover. On that night, Jesus Christ was a perfect reflection of his Father. When we imagine Christ in Gethsemane, we must remember that the light that we really see is the light of God the Father. Christ alone is the perfect reflection of the greater light--His Father.

Tomorrow is the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is likewise a Sabbath and celebrates when Christ--the Father of the House--removed the leaven from the house. It celebrates Calvary, when Jesus Christ "took away the sin of the world."

Sunday is the Feast of Firstfruits. It is also a Sabbath. It celebrates the day that Jesus Christ became the Firstfruits of those who slept.

At the time of Christ, the Passover, a Sabbath, was Thursday evening. He was crucified on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, or Friday. It was also a Sabbath. Saturday was the weekly Sabbath. Christ rose from the dead on Sunday, or the Feast of Firstfruits--also a Sabbath. FOUR SABBATH DAYS IN SUCCESSION. NEVER, IN ALL ETERNITY, WILL FOUR SABBATHS OCCUR IN SUCCESSION. In his final days in mortality, Christ demonstrated that he does all the work of salvation--his most important work--on the SABBATH:

On THURSDAY, the PASSOVER, HE SAVED HIS PEOPLE from spiritual death--

On FRIDAY, the Feast of UNLEAVENED BREAD, HE SAVED THE WORLD from an everlasting spiritual death--

On SATURDAY, the weekly SABBATH, HE SAVED THE DEAD who were in darkness in the great world of spirits from an everlasting spiritual death.

On SUNDAY, the Feast of FIRSTFRUITS, HE SAVED ALL from an everlasting temporal death.

With all who have faith in Him, I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. Is it any wonder that HE IS CALLED THE SAVIOR! Is it any surprize that breaking the SABBATH carried imposed a penalty of death!

I invite each of you to take time during these next few days to consider the magnitude of all that happened in the matter of FOUR SABBATH DAYS! Heaven looked down and all eternity rejoiced. These four Sabbath days must never be forgotten and always remembered as days in which our loving Father offered his Son for us.

Today, I feel particularly grateful for Jesus Christ, the Lord and Redeemer of the my soul. I bear witness that he lives and is the Savior of all mankind. Come and be perfected in Him.